FOCUS - Class of 2019
“ It has helped me to learn how to behave and how to achieve my goals.”
FOCUS - Class of 2019
“ If it wasn't for FOCUS, I might have dropped out of school. This program has helped me to take life seriously. Thank you so much to those who invested in us. Without you, there would be no FOCUS. I can't wait to give back! ”
FOCUS - Class of 2022
“ When I made the game, The Sum of All Fears, I learned that mathematics is very important. It’s not just important for a game, it’s important for everything. Math can take you around the world. ”
Grade 9 Students
“ Dear Donors, We love and appreciate everything you have given to us in grade 9 (and for the rest of FOCUS) We had a great summer of learning and having fun. Thank you supporting us! ”
FOCUS - Class of 2020
“ On Course To College (Grade 10-12 of FOCUS) makes it feel like family. We talk about college experiences. They tell us to make a bucket list about what we want to do when we get to college. We’ve done a vision board about college. I want to be a mortician. No person in my family has done it so I want to try it.”
" Dear Donors, You have provided us with a lot of things. You should show the whole world what you have done. Take a long vacation! "
FOCUS - Intern
“ FOCUS has truly impacted my career as an educator. One of the main lessons FOCUS taught me is that positive student relationships greatly impact learning. "
FOCUS - Class of 2022
“ FOCUS is about helping and preparing children like ourselves to go on to college. To me FOCUS means there is a chance of me making it somewhere in life. "
FOCUS - Class of 2022
“ To me FOCUS means hope and opportunity. A place where we learn to better ourselves. "
FOCUS - Intern
“ FOCUS has been a life changing experience. It has made a huge difference in the lives of so many - including mine! "
Emily Morley
Nassau Rowing Club - President
“ Thank you for helping us make the sport of rowing available to all Bahamians. Without your gracious support we would not have been able to achieve most of our programs, events and activities. "
Michelle Stanhope
Nassau Rowing Club - Board Member
“ We adult rowers continually experience the sheer joy on the faces of the C.R. Walker students rowing at the club. BCGF has brought joy to so many and we are sincerely grateful the students (and ourselves) have been given this opportunity.”
Sherrel Reddock
Pathfinder parent - Daughter Age 6
“ Pathfinders is a program every child should be involved in. As we work to develop our kids to be well rounded and disciplined, the program reinforces the values we try to instill. The enrichment and life skills acquired are invaluable, we are grateful for the Pathfinder Club. "
Jennifer Bain
Pathfinder Parent - Son & Daughter Ages11 & 14
“ Community. Interactive. Engaging. Youth Friendly. Positive. Enriching Exposure and Experience. Ephesus Drum Corps is that and so much more. My kids love it and it gives them the opportunity to be a part of an organization that is drama free. The experience to learn how to perform and perfect a musical instrument is quite rewarding. An excellent program in the community of Kemp Road. Love it! Love it! Love it! "
YESI Mother
“ These kids have done a 360 turn around in their attitude, in their personality, in their education and the way they interact with each other. This program has really been a god send. And I wish that every other community can have this program because this is awesome! "
Happy Hall
YESI Founder / President
“ The impact of Hurricane Dorian significantly reduced our fund raising this year and therefore the grant from BCGF has been instrumental in keeping our organization going. The grant has given fantastic opportunities to young Bahamians that would otherwise not be possible. THANK YOU! "
BNT / Grade 6
“ Before I joined Discovery Club I knew nothing about nature. I have learned a lot. About how it works, how it is harmed, how I can help protect it for all of us. "
Monique Sweeting
BNT Education Officer
“ In the early years of Discovery Club we were taking the students to the different ecosystems. To go to the coral reef we required parental permission slips also indicating the student could swim. Before heading to the coral reef they had to show us they could swim. One couldn’t swim at all and told us he got his mother to sign the slip because he had never seen a coral reef and thought this would be his only chance to do so. We put him in a life jacket and an inner tube and took him out with the others to see the coral reef. "
Symone Mackey
The Step, A Ranfurly Home / AGE 19
“ When I first learned that I would be moving into the transitional home, I felt super excited and liberated, yet somewhat afraid! I was uncertain of the challenges that lie ahead as I was now entering the world that seemed years and years away - the adult world. “Adulting” as some may call it, is not easy as it seems. I now had new responsibilities that I had to take on such as paying bills, finding employment, purchasing groceries, clothing, and making my own decisions as well as facing the repercussions to name a few.
Being given the opportunity to live in the transitional home was a blessing. Firstly, it has provided me with a sense of security. Knowing that I have a place to stay whilst I save for my future took the headache away. Secondly, I had some privacy! Being in multiple children’s home from the tender age of two (2), I was always surrounded by a lot of other kids, and being able to finally have my own space where it is just me, meant a lot. Lastly, I received immense support from the Board of Directors and Staff of The Ranfurly Home for Children mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I am truly grateful. "